Driver Safety Merged with Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence's (AI) potential to significantly reduce the frequency and severity of accidents on the road is a beacon of optimism. As we delve into the various AI methods that driver safety experts are considering, it's crucial to understand the complex challenges that come with them.

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Many have noticed the influx of new technology in modern cars, particularly AI. The Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) is one of the most common systems. These systems, including lane-keeping assist, adaptive cruise control and emergency braking features, are not just technological advancements but also a form of support for drivers. They alert drivers to potential hazards and near-miss accidents, providing a sense of reassurance on the road.

Predictive Maintenance

Another form of AI technology that's gaining traction is predictive maintenance. Vehicles are now equipped with AI that can analyze data and identify patterns of maintenance issues among fleets. This helps avoid breakdowns and potential accidents and provides a sense of security, knowing the vehicle is well-prepared for possible problems.

Driver Monitoring

Inward-facing cameras using AI can detect when drivers are fatigued by facial expressions or eye movements. They can also provide real-time alerts to drivers. Data derived from this technology can also be used for analysis, creating an opportunity to significantly improve drivers' safety. Outward-facing cameras can also allow for enhanced data analysis by providing feedback on the drivers' driving environment during an incident.

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles or self-driving cars have been talked about for a long time and are now in the early stages of development. AI is the foundation of self-driving cars. AI may ultimately play a significant role in reducing human error, which is a major contributor to vehicle accidents. Patience with the development of self-driving cars may eventually reward those involved in improving driver safety.

Challenges and Complexities

AI and driver safety have challenges and complexities that are critical to understanding before jumping in. The data generated from AI technologies is immense, so it is essential to follow proper data privacy protocol when collecting data from its users. Cybersecurity, another hot topic, also comes into the picture with these new technologies if there is a connection to the internet or a computer. For the technology itself, there are often limitations that even AI still needs to overcome, including specific complex and unpredictable driving environments. Lastly, ethical use and legal issues can arise from using AI and driver safety regarding liability.

There is an opportunity to drastically alter how we look at driver safety. Whether we are talking about Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, predictive maintenance, driver monitoring or even autonomous vehicles, we should not ignore the possibility of saving lives on the road and reducing some of the most hazardous exposures for employees. AI may sound like an easy answer to everything at first. Still, it cannot be overstated that the challenges and complexities should be addressed before merging into this highway of revolutionary new technology.


Michael McGowan, Loss Control Manager

Michael McGowan is the Loss Control Manager with Old Republic Risk Management. He is responsible for assisting policyholders with loss control information and services with an emphasis on carrier service compliance in regulated jurisdictions. Michael is based out of our corporate office in Brookfield, WI.

Michael McGowan